Monday, May 18, 2009

We are the Champions!!!

Yes, we have done it again, we are back to back champions of the Mr. Ping Doors and Windows Premier League of the Dominica Football Association (DFA).

4D Ag Centre Bath Estate has made good on its promises to its community and sponsors to secure the national championship for a second straight year. There was never any doubt though since from the first round the team was leading the standing with only a periodic lapse due to regional duty during the CFA Caribbean Champions Cup.

Although the champions have been crowned since last week, the team took on Southeast yesterday and was on their way to giving the team a beating before the game was called off by the always controversial referee Carlisle Jno. Baptiste.

Bath Estate was already leading the match by 3 goals to 2 with Kurlson "Maxi" Benjamin scoring two and Mitchell "Baggio@ Joseph scoring the other goals for the Blue Blue squadiee.

Now it's off to Newtown for the offseason league where we intend to bit every single team even rivals Cessame Street.

Blue, Blue, Estate for True
You done know...

Big up to the entire team: Kurlson "Maxi" Benjamin, Mitchell "Baggio" Joseph, Michael "Big Joe" Joseph, Imran "Boxhead" Gage, Charles "Charlie" Hypolite, Ezra "Bang Bang" Richards, Angus "headless" Pinard and the rest of the crew


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração