Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mimi, my cousin

I hardly ever talk about my family on my blog... I don't know why either, guess I never really had a reason too or it just kind of slipped by mind.

But either way I am proud to present my cousin to the world, lol, well at least to my friends who follow my blog. I am sure that the "world" know about her more than I could promote her, seeing that she is doing her "thing" in Canada. She recently launched into singing and sent me this gem of a song "Love's Intersection" where she is featured in a song with Blackheart. He has done songs with J. Cole and Drake, household names for those who follow R&B and Rap Music.

So check out the song

and just in case you enjoyed this one, like I think you will here is a bonus track, just because I appreciate my followers and i'm proud of my cousin too.

congrats MIMI and continue making us proud...

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